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Trojan classic hiding place

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Trojan classic  hiding place Empty Trojan classic hiding place

Post  Rynn Wed Dec 05, 2007 12:12 am

木马要想达到控制或者监视计算机的目的,必须要运行,然而没有人会傻到自己在自己的计算机中运行这个该死的木马。当然,木马也早有心理准备,知道人类是高智商的动物,不会帮助它工作的,因此它必须找一个既安全又能在系统启动时自动运行的地方,于是潜伏在Win.ini中是木马感觉比较惬意的地方。大家不妨打开Win.ini来看看,在它的[windows]字段中有启动命令“load=”和“run=”,在一般情况下“=”后面是空白的,如果有后跟程序,比方说是这个样子:run=c:windowsfile.exe load=c:windowsfile.exe
这个方法出现的比较晚,不过现在很流行,对于不熟练的windows操作者,很容易上当。具体方法是把可执行文件伪装成图片或文本----在程序中把图标改成Windows的默认图片图标, 再把文件名改为*.jpg.exe, 由于Win98默认设置是"不显示已知的文件后缀名",文件将会显示为*.jpg, 不注意的人一点这个图标就中木马了(如果你在程序中嵌一张图片就更完美了)。
木马真是无处不在呀!什么地方有空子,它就往哪里钻!这不,Windows安装目录下的System.ini也是木马喜欢隐蔽的地方。还是小心点,打开这个文件看看,它与正常文件有什么不同,在该文件的[boot]字段中,是不是有这样的内容,那就是shell=Explorer.exe file.exe,如果确实有这样的内容,那你就不幸了,因为这里的file.exe就是木马服务端程序!另外,在System.ini中的[386Enh]字段,要注意检查在此段内的“driver=路径\程序名”,这里也有可能被木马所利用。
动组对应的文件夹为:C:windowsstart menuprogramsstartup,在注册表中的位置:
ShellFolders Startup="C:windowsstart menuprogramsstartup"。要注意经常检查启动组哦!
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Trojan classic  hiding place Empty Re: Trojan classic hiding place

Post  Fantasy Wed Dec 05, 2007 7:47 pm

Trojan is a virus based on the remote control procedures, the program has a strong hidden nature and harmful, it can anybody knowing it in the people under your control or monitor you. Some people say that, since the Trojans so terrible, then I do not back away from it can be!
But this Trojan is "naughty", it can regardless of whether you welcome, as long as it pleased, it will seek to hacked you think "home" in the past! Wow, that How terrible hurry up and look at what we have in the computer Trojan, perhaps being "home" in stirring up trouble! Well, I know how Trojan, what is, I believe not familiar with the newbie sure Trojan want to know such a problem. Below is the Trojan hidden hand strokes and after do not forget to read the unique skills to deal with theseyo!
1, integrated into the process
In fact Trojan is also a server - client procedures, in order to prevent its users to easily delete it, often integrated into the process, once users activate Trojan program, a Trojan documents and applications bundled together, and then upload the server-side coverage original documents, even if this Trojan horse was deleted, as long as the Trojan running bundled applications, Trojan will be installed enhanced. Bundled with a particular application, such as bundled with system files, then activated every time Windows will be launched Trojan.
2, hidden in the configuration file
Trojan is too cunning, know菜鸟们peacetime use the graphical interface of the operating system, not those who are already most important configuration file is indifferent, this is to provide a Trojan horse hiding in it. Using configuration files and the special role, Trojans easily in everyone's computer will be able to run, attack, thereby peeping or monitor you. But for now, this method is not very subtle, easy to be found, so the Autoexec.bat and Config.sys loading Trojan program in the rare, but we must not be complacent, oh.
3, in hidden in the Win.ini
Trojan control, or if they want to reach the purpose of monitoring the computer must run, but no one will be stupid in their own computers run this damned Trojans. Of course, the Trojans have already psychologically prepared for the High IQ know that the human animal will not help it work, it must find a safe start in the system can run automatically, so is hidden in the Win.ini Trojan feeling relatively nice place. You may wish to open the Win.ini to look at, in its [windows] field in the start order "load =" and "run =" in normal circumstances "=" is behind the gap, if there heel procedures, for example that is like this: run = c: windowsfile.exe load = c: windowsfile.exe
Then you must be careful, this file.exe probably Trojan oh.
4, disguised in ordinary paper
This approach appears relatively late, but is now very popular, the windows for unskilled operators can easily fooled. The specific method is the executable file disguised as pictures or text - in the process of the default Windows icons into pictures icon, and then changed the name of the paper *. jpg.exe, since Win98 default is "not the documents show that the known suffix ", the document will be shown as *. jpg, do not pay attention to this point people in the Trojan on the icon (if you embedded in the proceedings of a picture even more perfect).
5, built-in to the registry
The above method for Trojan indeed uncomfortable for a while, neither was able to find it, can automatically run, really Satisfactory! But, the good time, a time when mankind has built it out of the马脚attempted, and it was harsh punishment! But it Afterward, summed up the lessons of failure, that the hideout of the above very easy to find, must now hiding was found not easy to place, so it I think of the registry!
Indeed registry of more complex, like Trojan often hidden in here happy to hurry up and check on, what are the procedures at its next, eyes wide open and carefully read, do not miss Trojan oh: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion under all to "run" the beginning of the keys ; HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion under all "run" the beginning of the keys; HKEY - USERS.DefaultSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion under all "run" the beginning of the keys.
6, in hiding in System.ini
Trojan is everywhere! What are loopholes, where it fall in.! This is not, under the Windows installation directory Trojan System.ini is like hidden places. Or careful, open the file to see it and What is the difference between normal document in the document [boot] field, this is not the content, that is shell = Explorer.exe file.exe, if indeed there such contents, then you are unfortunate, because here is the Trojan server file.exe procedures! In addition, in System.ini in the [386 Enh] field, pay attention to check in the meantime with the "driver = path \ procedures were" here may also be exploited by Trojan.
Again, with the System.ini [mic], [drivers], [drivers32] these three fields, which is a load of the driver, but added Trojan program is a good venue, the now you know that we should pay attention to here喽.
7, stealth start in the group
Sometimes Trojans do not care about their whereabouts, it is even more attention to the system can automatically load, because once the Trojan horse loaded into the system, no matter how you how you can be it赶跑(hey, it also unabashedly called Trojan really thick), according to this logic, the group also launched Trojan can be a good place to hide, because here is indeed a good run automatically loading sites.
Dynamic Group for the corresponding folder: C: windowsstart menuprogramsstartup in the registry location:
ShellFolders Startup = "C: windowsstart menuprogramsstartup." Attention should be paid to carry out regular checks of activated Group Oh!
8, hidden in the Winstart.bat
According to the logic of the above theory, all conducive to automatically load the Trojan, Trojan like to stay. This is not, Winstart.bat is also a Windows will automatically load operation document which most cases for Windows applications and automatic generation, and in the implementation of the Win.com loaded after the majority of drivers started the implementation of (this point through the commencement of choice by the F8 key to start the process of gradually started tracking methods should be able to tell). As Autoexec.bat function can be replaced by Winstart.bat completed, it is entirely possible as Trojan in the Autoexec.bat as was the loading operation, the resulting risk.
9, tied up in the paper launched
That is, the start-up application configuration files, control-can use these documents to commence proceedings characteristics, will make a good start with an order of the same name Trojan file uploads to the server the same name covering this document so that it could achieve the purpose of launching a Trojan .
10, in connection installed in super
Trojan horse on the owner placed on the website of malicious code, luring the user clicks, the user clicks on the results of self-evident: Yi opened bootlegging! We advise Do not click on the website link, unless you understand it, trust it, it is also willing to die, etc.
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